Quick Start: ‘Life admin’ support topic

11.26 Physical therapy feels like it would accommodate these with a little note in your index?

Maybe even extend its title? 11.26 Physical therapy and mobility aids?

Yeah okay. So this feels like it’s just on the border of needing to be its own thing. I assume you’re already doing some sort of organising/cataloging/indexing within this collection of writing?

It still feels like your library though, yes. Just … pick a date? When did you start this collection?

Or if you’d like it to appear at the top, just pick an old date. 2000-01-01 or something.

Or just call it Collected writing advice and don’t put a date on it. And now it’ll appear after all the things with a date.

Either way: stick a note in your index, and you’ll find it again. I think in cases like this we have to fight against the idea that this isn’t neat. I get it. Edge-cases are rarely neat.

But: can you find it again, quickly, and with no stress? With a note in your index, yes.

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That makes sense. If I start collecting a few of these ‘dateless folders’, would it break the system if I simply add “00” at the beginning to group them all together?

On a slightly unrelated note, can I mix subfolders and single files under my library ID (or any other ID), or must I choose one over the other?

If it needs to be in any current id then i would have chosen Therapy as well.

However, Therapy sounds like something temporary, like a treatment. Those aids are more permanent, at least in my view. Just like glasses.

I would have added a new id. But there is no more room in the section.

Another question for Johnny.

The pack has 13.41 for receipts. You explicitly list in 12.16 to store any receipts there.

In 14.22 you suggest storing software receipts. What is the reason that you didn’t also suggest to store software receipts in 13.41?

I think
13.41 would be general purchases; food, clothing etc.

12.16 would be warranties, receipts for large purchases or electrical purchases such as kitchen appliances, drills, hoover/vacuum, rug doctor,

13.41 would be software. my very very very limited IT knowledge would go no further than assuming this is for software licences such as Microsoft Office licence, virus protection…

I think that’s okay.

You can … but it might make more sense in some than others. I would probably tend to say, if you’ve got folders, put everything in a folder. And don’t worry if you’ve got some folders with only one thing in them.

This also depends on your OS. Windows splits files from folders in the view, even if they’re alphabetically adjacent. On a Mac, they all appear inline. (I think? I’m on my iPad now.)

Software just felt different enough. The receipt for some bit of software is very much in my online mind. Very distinct from the receipt for my new hammer, say.

There are receipts scattered throughout the system. Actually I didn’t realise just how many! Search your index for receipt and see. Life is full of receipts, it seems.

I am going through LA pack and also thinking about how to apply it for me, my husband, son, and (soon) daughter. In my current pre-LA system everything was shared, kinda like Travel category: all birthday certificates together, all taxes together, and everything prefixed with name initials. But there are separate categories “16 Son” and “17 Daughter” with ids 16.01 Health, 16.02 Name selection, 16.03 Daycare. So far, that’s all, just 3 IDs. So, my thoughts right now are:

  • With the current amount of data I might be ok with using just an ID per child as in LA. But how future-proof it is?
  • Giving the whole area seems way too much since I still prefer sharing same type of docs together. Mostly because I store my husband’s docs&claims together with mine, nope, he’s not getting separate area for sure :grin:. Though, I can see that in the future I will store their academic records separately. Perhaps it’s ok to store children’s docs in their own space right away…? (thinking out loud here, hehe)
  • That “Daycare” id got me thinking about my own education. If I were to start a course or training, where should I put admin stuff like application, contracts, etc? For small stuff it’s 11.82 sorted by date. What about something like “daycare/school” scale; for example, if I am to give each child Life Admin area, where their long-term education should end up (preferably, in the similar category/id as mine)?

Hey, I have been working through something very similar. My children are 16 and 17 in JD. The idea is that the system will grow with them (and me, because I’ll always want to keep things about them if they’ll let me) when they reach adulthood. I have had to take a break from JD organising but should be back on it next week so I can share the system I am creating for my children then if you are interested?

Yep, very interested!

I’m interested in developing a standard solution for this, which we’ll document in a future version of the pack.

The simplest solution — which is the one we should be looking for in this context — feels like a duplication of category 11 🙋 Me & other living things.

It contains all of the human-specific stuff. Here’s a suggestion, but I don’t have kids so I’ll defer to our resident parents!

  • For you, you keep the category as-is. Because you’re not going to create an additional category for every other living person that you know, so this still serves as the catch-all, the default.
  • For your kids — or this pattern works if you’re a full-time carer for anyone — you duplicate this category at 16 and call it the name of the person. 16 Jimmy for your boy Jimmy, or 16 Dad or whatever you like.

This gives you 16, 17, 18, and 19 to use. I suggest if you’re a full-time carer for more than 4 people you need to expand this out to an area. Also, you’re a saint.

Within this category here are the headers that we defined.

  • 1_.10 ■ Personal records 🗂️

    • Totally relevant. Use as-is for the other human if possible.
    • (What are the exceptions?)
  • 1_.20 ■ Physical health & wellbeing 🫀

    • Same.
  • 1_.30 ■ Mental health & wellbeing 🧠

    • Might need a bit of adaption. Your kid probably doesn’t want to store their journal in your system. :wink:
    • But in these cases I’d say, when they’re old enough to have a journal, just give them their own life admin setup.
  • 1_.40 ■ Family 💑

    • So for them, this is you. And therefore they’re unlikely to have anything here.
    • Which is totally fine. I’m fully expecting that this new 16 Jimmy is going to contain about 50% of the stuff that your main 11 does.
  • 1_.50 ■ Friends, clubs, & organisations 🏑

    • Relevant. Might be renamed to reflect the fact that most of these clubs & organisations are going to be things like a school?
  • 1_.60 ■ Pets & other animals 🐓

    • The further away we get from the start, the less relevant things become. Which is nice! This is how we designed it.
    • I’d suggest just keeping any family pets in 11 and ignoring this.
  • 1_.70 ■ My brilliant career 🧑‍🍳

    • Becomes 11.70 ■ My brilliant education 🧑‍🎓 or similar.
  • 1_.80 ■ Personal development & who I am 📚

    • This is where you put your hobbies, so there might be a place for something here.

That feels pretty good already. Parents, what do we think?

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What is the recommended use for the QS:LA pack with the Workshop and Workbook? Use the QS:LA as a starter pack during discovery that comes with built-in categorization during categorization and building the system so you’re just adding your own things to other areas (and maybe other categories and IDs in area 10)? Or is the quick start pack somewhat redundant if I’m following the Workshop and/or Workbook? (Apologies if this would be better on a different thread or as it’s own post.)

I think most people should use our ‘life admin’ by default.

Like the tagline says: we spent hundreds of hours thinking about it so that you don’t have to.

Then use its structure as inspiration, with the workbook/workshop, to design the rest of your life. Because LA specifically only covers the stuff that we all do.

It doesn’t cover your hobbies or niche interests or side hustle or whatever else. Use the workbook for that.

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(I’m not sure whether to start a new topic for this, or hijack this thread for a new question. Sorry if I got it wrong!)

I am just now getting started with my personal JDex, and as my tool of choice, I am considering a move from Workflowy to Obsidian (Bear is Mac-only :frowning: ).

On Windows, all the emojis in folder names wreaked havoc with my system (e.g. some invalid character between the two emojis at the end of 11.70, and many other places), so I am now starting fresh with the no special characters structure. Then I have meticulously copied all the Markdown files to create your JDex in Bear into each corresponding subfolder in that structure.

Question: That was tedious — am I doing it right??


I am surprised that you use emojis so much (given the barebones monospace style you use everywhere), so you need to know that they are causing problems in non-Mac systems. May I suggest working with a Windows system and working out those kinks? I don’t know, maybe it’s just Windows being odd, but you have to consider that 72% run Windows so it’s not negligible.

I also discover that Obsidian wants to show folders before files; that’s normal and good, but it causes the introduction markdown file (1) to be listed below the rest of the content (2).
– is there any smarter way to do this? I’m new to Obsidian so maybe I’m doing it wrong?

To overcome this issue, I chose to put the JDex slips into their own folder in the 00-09 Area. It isn’t a perfect solution, but you may still consider it.

As always with Obsidian, “There’s a Plug-in for that!” … Look about half way down this thread: Same sort order for folder and files - #33 by andrewheekin - Feature requests - Obsidian Forum

(I linked to this thread rather than directly to the plug-in as it puts it in the exact context of the challenge you are trying to resolve. The default behavior of the plug-in is to co-mingle files and folders, which is what you are after.)

Here is the plug-in if you want to cut to the chase: GitHub - SebastianMC/obsidian-custom-sort: Take full control over the order and sorting of folders and notes in File Explorer in Obsidian

Unrelated to the above: where would you put a list of movies you’d like to watch, or the correct™ order of the Star Wars movies, or your house rules for RoboRally?
May I propose these?

15.60 ■ Movies, tv series, games 🎬🎲
   15.61 Movies and series 🎬
   15.62 Games 🕹️🎲
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