Workshop class • 2024.04.28

┌────────── Class • 2024.04.28 ──────────┐
│                                        │░
│ Completed areas • 10-19                │░
│                 • 20-29                │░
│                 • 30-39                │░
│                 • 40-49                │░
│                 • 40-49                │░
│                 • 50-59                │░
│                                        │░
│ Current area    • 60-69 Working the    │░
│                         Decimal way    │░
│                                        │░
│ Deadline        • TBC                  │░
│                                        │░
┌───── Class • 2024.04.28 ──────┐
│                               │░
│ Completed areas               │░
│ • 10-19                       │░
│ • 20-29                       │░
│ • 30-39                       │░
│ • 40-49                       │░
│ • 50-59                       │░
│                               │░
│ Current area                  │░
│ • 60-69 Working the           │░
│         Decimal way           │░
│                               │░
│ Deadline                      │░
│ • TBC                         │░
│                               │░

This forum thread is for the workshop class of 2024.04.28.

It’s hidden from the public list of posts so it’s just you and your classmates here.

Save this page or use the link in lesson 06 to get back here.

We encourage you to:

  • Introduce yourselves!
    • Who are you? Where are you from? What are you hoping to achieve?
  • Use this thread like a common room.
    • Chat, share your thoughts, progress, problems, or questions. Or just hide from the teacher :wink:

Hello there, I’m a community manager from Portugal and I’m working on becoming more organized.


Hey there! First one in. :slight_smile: :1st_place_medal:

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Hello! I’m a brand strategist and designer running a creative studio in Philadelphia, USA. Looking forward to the workshop :slight_smile:



Hello, Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening. I am Rajhesh from India. Looking to organize everything better. I have dabbled using tools like workflowy, amplenotes, obsidian, etc. I want to get to a system that I can replicate online and offline. Cheers


Hey all, my name is Cole and I’m a Data Scientist and Obsidian user from California, USA. Looking forward to the course!


Hi, my name is Oliver. Strategy and IT-Architecture Consultant.


Hello, I am Michael in Brisbane, Australia. I am a software consultant.

I am hoping to learn a great way to keep my life (and my mind) organised.


Hello! I’m a technology director and an instructor at a university law school. I’m also a husband and father of two children. I’ve found the workbook and forum posts useful as I’ve tried to implement my own organizational system at home and work.

I’m hoping to use the workshop to refine what I’ve done so far. I also hope to think through what it will take to maintain my system on a consistent basis.


Mariva (“Mari” or “Marie” is fine) from San Francisco, California.

I’ve read the entire J.D workbook and watched the companion videos. I’m still working on building my index, because I have so much to consider. I kept making the newbie mistake of numbering before I was truly ready, which meant renumbering for several iterations. (Don’t do this!)

Overall, the J.D. system seems life-changing, and I don’t mean that hyperbolically. It’s on par with David Allen’s GTD (especially the Weekly Review), James Clear’s Atomic Habits, and various other big names and ideas in the field of productivity. I’m sincerely grateful for Johnny’s manifold insights and enthusiasm.


Hi, I’m Andrew from Perth, Western Australia. I’m a manager by day and a podcaster and sports commentator in my spare time. I love the JD system philosophy, but need to get better at implementation, because that’s where I’ve yet to really nail it.


Hi - Chuck from Philadelphia in the US. Due to the time difference, I’ll probably stick to asynchronously watching the workshop (no problem, JD - clearly impossible for a good time selection for OZ, Asia, Europe, North America, etc.). I am a professor with a lot of outside professional activities, and have been working on my JD system for a few months now. I use a Mac, with my key electronic materials on Devonthink, OneDrive, Obsidian (iCloud) and Dropbox (mainly for personal stuff).


Hey there, I’m Fabian (FJ for short). I am from the Netherlands.

I’ve been using JD for some time and made my system using the website, forum, workbook and some personal contact with Johnny :wink: . I’m hoping to learn new stuff from the workshop to optimise and rethink some parts, if only to come to the same conclusion.


Hello - Paul a soon to be retired investigator living in Western NY. I am involved in delivery of training and looking to be organized in all areas of my life.


Hi, I am Zsolt, Customer Care Director at a Shared Services Centre, at Budapest, Hungary. My hobby is personal productivity and currently I am seeking to create simpler organizational systems around me rather than complex ones requiring lot of maintenance.


No worries and just so it’s clear to all: it’s at-your-own-pace for everyone. I wonder if calling it a ‘workshop’ is putting people in the mind that I’ll be waiting for you at 14:00 on Sunday. I will not! :wink: Everything is pre-recorded.

While I’m talking admin, obviously this is the first ‘class’ here, and I’m keen to know if it works out for you all. I think it’ll be obvious enough from this thread, but do let me know if this was useful, what else you might need, and so on.

The workshop is designed to hold your hand from start to end. We’ve planned the structure so that it’s obvious what to do, when, at what pace, using what tools.

If we’ve done our jobs properly you won’t need anything else. But who knows!



Lucy’s un-Drafted all the lessons! :partying_face: We’re live. Off you go!

Now, we’re going to go for a bike ride as we’ve been staring at computer screens for a long time now…


Hello there,
I am project manager in smaller facility of global medical company in Czech Republic
I would like to improve my information storing / accessing for different projects and technologies. :+1:

1 Like

Enjoy your deserved bike ride. What is the terrain around you?
I was yesterday check the rest of the snow here. :sun_with_face: