Workshop class • 2024.04.28

Oh wow! Nothing like that — we’re lucky to live a few minutes ride from Australia’s Parliament House. So we cycle round that then pop to the nearby suburb for a beer. Mostly flat and very pleasant. :slight_smile:

Here’s the street view.

Thank you for your message and street view. Now I can imagine your ride better. You have a nice surrounding. :+1:

Hello, Where can I find the lessons? Sorry, if I missed it.
Thank you,

Hey there,

My name is Simone and I’m from Germany. I have ADHD which means the chaos in my head mirrors the chaos on my computer. I collect a lot of files for “just in case” but forget them kind of immediately.
I hope to get more structure with this course and save time on the long run. I want to file properly my personal files but also that ones of my side hustle as Romance author. (Just sayin’ “taxes” - I always loose invoices in the nirvana and then have to redownload them again …)

I ordered the workbook in January already but did not find the time to follow through. Hopefully, with this workshop there will be more “drive” behind :slight_smile:

Warm regards,


The link was in Johnny’s announcement mail:

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Hi all. I’m Matt from East Sussex in the UK. I enjoy cryptic crosswords and walking.
I’ve got a few areas I’d like to set systems up for - initially I want to sort out and organise all my files and resources for my job. I teach people how to use assistive technology and there are loads of different bits of stuff I need to keep up-to-date with and collect resources for. Aside from that ideally I’d like a personal system for life & family admin and another for my jobby-job stuff (i.e. all the admin associated with my organisation rather than the subject area).
I tend to hoard information into huge doom (didn’t organise, only moved) piles which means that with a bit of searching I’m often able to find stuff but I’d much prefer a system I can actually keep things a bit more organised in and not have a minor panic attack every time I look at it.
I’m another GTD bod and also an Obsidian user - I’ll likely want to use that for any notes but I’m open to alternatives. I do have Bear (I’m an iOS/Mac user) but I prefer Obsidian as I like having a ‘proper’ file I can move around and use elsewhere.
Anyway enough about me. Look forward to chatting more.


I have used a mind mapping program to begin visualizing the overall coverage for my system just would like community comments to check on the right lines. I did the sticky on the wall thing and got way too granular straight away

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Hi, I’m John from London. I work for an IT consultancy and I simply want to find what i’m working on and I struggle to find files i was working on yesterday! It really is that bad.


Hi, I am Gerald from Austria. Hoping to get updates and practical insights from this workshop. I am halfway through pimping my personal organisation.
The even greater challenge is the business part of my life, with on the one hand different companies (mostly production) to manage, with each of those having different departments along the value chain. On the other hand of those companies being a management holding hosting departments, which deliver shared services to the other „productive“ companies. Here I am at stage zero.

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Welcome everyone. A common theme – as we might expect – is obviously the I just can’t find anything any more that we all feel these days.

That is of course what this workshop aims to solve, so I just want to reinforce the fact that you should take your time here. You’ve been disorganised your entire life. This process will take about a month: don’t rush it!

It takes until area 40-49 Build your system until you really start to feel organised, so stick with it until then. And it only really comes together with 50-59 The index.

But for now, spend time on 10-19 Define your scope and do not jump ahead.

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Hi Everyone :wave: I’m Chris, and I’m an IT Manager who is already curious about managing multiple projects (and numbering them) using the JD system.

The J.D. System seems to mostly “click” with how my brain works so I’m excited to dive more in and check it out. It also gives me an excuse to try (or start fresh) with another note-taking app, which is always fun.

Total sidenote: For those that haven’t checked it out I can already recommend @canion 's podcast (Hemispheric Views) as it is hilarious. The “not an ad” on the Hemispheric Views podcast about the JD system actually landed me here.


Aww shucks, thank you!

Hey :wave: I’m Gordon, and I’m a software developer from Melbourne, Australia, who is basically just struggling to make sense of his own life right at the moment.

I have a lot of long-hanging threads: projects never finished (or needing touch-ups), ideas never actioned, etc. Basically, a ton of procrastination. But I know from experience that a lot of the root cause of my procrastination is a lack of clarity.

I’m hoping that getting myself organised and putting everything in a place it belongs can help me get that clarity (or, at least, expose the unclear parts so I know what to focus on to get clarity)

… Either that, or it’s an excuse to procrastinate a bit longer. I guess we’ll see.

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One thing I find myself struggling with in terms of scope is defining what’s out of scope. I just want to organise all the things! Is anyone else struggling with this?

Well, that and as I’m attempting to define my in scope, it’s almost feeling like a braindump of stuff that is probably better suited to the discovery phase. It’s not so much a “scope statement” as it is a list of stuff I want to organise.

Johnny in a suit is both hilarious and an excellent visual to support learning. I love it!


Hi, I’m Beris, I work in Swindon, UK and have 2 systems to sort out, home and work. Home is a move from various PCs to an Apple Mac mini and the merging of my husbands stuff and my stuff. Work is more complex, at last count there were 11,254 files held in 2353 folders, we have someone with dyslexia so I am hoping a short area,category,ID number will help them.


I’ve been plowing thru the workbook and setting things up for a couple of months now before doing the workshop. I have been able to define two systems: one for Work & Professional (I am an academic) and another for Home & Personal (this includes some renumerative consulting I do aside from my day job).

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Yeah, I’ve started doing this too. One for all my software development, work related and side project stuff, the other one for home and personal (I’m calling it “Life, the Universe and Everything”)

So now I basically have two scopes, and “out-of-scope” is still looking vary barren…

Hey all :wave:, I’m Dan from Canada. I am a database admin/analyst working in Configuration Management.

I am drowning in data, hoping this course can help me bring the chaos into order at home and then at work.


The moment I got to a video where I see Lucy was like a huge reveal in a movie! It was very exciting.

I’m soon to work on my scope; I think it will tend towards the simple with a number of large exclusions. Like Johnny, I’ve got cruft from previous attempts at this.

I also have the question of keeping it in DevonThink where it’s Mac-accessible only, or relying on Finder so I can use iOS. I know DT can index Finder locations, but I’ve never really loved that approach.

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