Syncthing configuration -- (selective) syncing to many devices

An attempt to describe / outline the backup regime - where Syncthing is part of it:

  • 0a

    • Main point of “COMMON” folder in Syncthing = path of least resistance and friction:
      • Sometimes I have my tablet or a phone (Android), and I need to move a PDF or some file and access it from another device or computer.
      • I use the COMMON folder to traffic such files ad-hoc between devices.
      • I use OpenVPN and/or Tailscale to gain access to home network if I’m out and about / outside my LAN.
  • 0b

    • I use Hyper Backup to selectivly create backups from other structures in the JD file system. Some more frequent, some less frequent, some encrypted. These backups are then put in the 9* area.

    • The [93] Cold_storage_single is my dumping ground. I only have a single copy of what in there. If the harddrive or NAS fails, life goes on. The alternative would be to delete those files.

  • 1

    • My JD folder structure (approx 90% cured/matured at this point - still finding my ground with some areas/categories - but mostly happy):
      • JD\

* JD_B\ (*technical reason - since this is backup* *target* *, it is split into separate "Shared folder" in Synology NAS - b for backup*)


  • 2

    BACKUP - intent / design / what should it cover:

    • Trying to protect against / reason for backup / the most likely bad things to happen:

      Most likely, limited conseqences (probably fixable)

      • Scenario 1:
        • “Anti-Homer Simpson” (d’oh-moments) (human) and/or random disk/system/hardware failure on device X
          • NEED
            • Frequent backups
            • Multiple generations of backups / be able to go back in time if needed
          • TARGET
            • Hot storage, single and multi
            • Syncthing, with and without versioning

      A bit less likely, but severe consequence if allowed to happen unmitigated / without prevention measures

      • Scenario 2:
        • Ransomware / malicious file system encryption
          • NEED
            • To keep files offline / disconnected - but with regular updates of files that don’t change too often
          • TARGET
            • Cold storage_backedup
            • Remote control power > I have USB drives/USB docking stations that are connected w USB to the NAS servers - they have their power in remote control sockets. I turn them on when I want to sync or access files. Most of the time they are powered off.


  • USBCopy (Synology) *described further down - (automagically copy files to external USB drive when connected or powered on)
    * rsync (Synology) *described further down

    Hopefully even less likely, but very bad consequence

  • Scenario 3:

    • Fire, natural disaster - or other worst case scenario that destroys on-site drives and systems (main point; off-site backup)
      * Worst-case scenario, all hardware is destroyed - everything except backups kept off-site is gone
      * (Don’t really like the idea of pushing stuff into the cloud, but with encryption I can live with it. I don’t consider myself naive, hence I understand that eveything is theoretically possible to decrypt - but not without effort. Encryption provides a basic level of comfort pushing personal data into the cloud.)
      • Also;
        * Small form-factor external harddrive with encrypted copy of files, kept off-site (typically in car or office)
        • TARGET
          • Offsite, cloud and/or external drive
          • Hyper Backup (Synology) (create scheduled encrypted backups from selected folders)
          • USBCopy (Synology) (automagically copy files to external USB drive when connected or powered on)
          • Cloud Sync (Synology) (automagically upload encrypted backups to cloud services, preferably free tier Google Drive and/or OneDrive)
      • Hopefully doesn’t happen in my lifetime
        • Scenario 4:
          • Global extinction event
            • NEED
              • Don’t think I need backup for this one.
              • No efforts made. :volcano:
    • Goal
      • Automate as much of it as possible (least amount of manual work / operations)
        • (I’m lazy - but I like running a tight ship, don’t like surprises)
      • Keep it as simple as possible
  • 3

    • Setup (not all the details, but a quick look / overview - for reference | impression)
      • Hyper Backup (Synology NAS)

  • Cloud Sync (Synology NAS)

  • USB Copy (Synology NAS) > can set trigger conditions and tasks - example; run task if external drive is connected or powered on


  • rsync
    • I use built in rsync clients on Synology NAS servers, Hyper Backup with latest, older clients with the older

NAS servers
* DS124 < main server, always on/powered - runs Syncthing
* DS209 < for rsync backups, runs RAID1 w 2 drives, always on, powered
* DS107+ < for less frequent rsync backups, poweroff most of the time, wakes on schedule

  • Sorry for long post…
    • If anyone has any simplifications or things I’ve missed that should be covered, please hit me up