Quick Start: translations? 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇮🇩 🇲🇾

Thanks! Invitation sent. French is coming along nicely, perhaps ping @Mentat first to make sure they’re not working on the rest.

I’m happy for this thread to be used for translator-coordination. In fact I’ll make a little table…

Language Translators Progress
Arabic ع @clappingcactus 0%
Brazilian Portuguese :brazil: @flythroughlogic 0%
Dutch :netherlands: @_FJ @hans 100%
French :fr: @mentat @Phoebe @Fabrice 54%
German :de: @phlpptmpl 100%
Italian :it: @julian @Spinal1865 35%
Russian :ru: @Evgeny 100%
Spanish :es: @Quijote_Libre @julian 100%

Also FYI I’ll use this exercise to force me to build some sort of system-generating tool. See this little rant to understand why I need that. So there’s no rush on this stuff, I’m at least a month away from having that done.

This kindness from you all makes the hairs on my neck stand up. It’s so cool. Thank you all so much. xo

Oh yeah if any of you don’t already have a JD sticker and you want one, just DM or email me your address!

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