Passive information

Hello internet,

Thought I’d share:

I use Logseq for my index.
When you use double brackets [[page]] in Logseq, you create a page

For searchability (unique) - when using in email subject, or using Everything (software) to search, I keep single brackets in numbers IF there is a folder created in my storage

That means:

23.01 Title here < — no brackets = no folder created, no Logseq page created

[23.02] Title here < — brackets on number = folder created in my storage system (NAS)

[23.03] [[Title here]] < — brackets on number and double brackets on title = folder created in my storage (NAS) and page created in Logseq

23.04 [[Title here]] < — no brackets on number and double brackets on title = NO folder created in my storage (NAS) and page created in Logseq

1 Like

Hi @fender, welcome!

I like the low-tech approach. If I understand correctly, I think I’ve found a similar one. By ‘passive information’ do you mean the fact that this information about the structure of your files is just encoded ‘passively’ in the text itself, as a kind of convention?

I work in Vim with various add-ons for wiki-like functionality, including a database-driven search, but a fuzzy finder that just reads every line as I type often works so well. So I put information similar to yours in the title of each file. In my case, I’m experimenting with a / to show that a file is a child of an ID folder as opposed to the index for that folder. This helps to disambiguate when these titles show up in various places:

# 23.01 Something I'm working on                  #title of 23.01/
# 23.01 Something I'm working on / reference 1    #title of 23.01/  

You could put any plain-text amenable tags on that line, and as long as you have less than a hundred thousand files or so, any fuzzy-finder full text search will let you filter that down in near real time.

This could be done with a complicated database setup, and I’d like to implement that sometime for a few advanced features, but this is really a case where 90%+ functionality comes with the tools already available.

Does this kind of resonate with your approach?

Thanks for the feedback.

My main motivation is speed, and as you point out, keeping it low-tech.

Logseq has this convenient function where it does the bracket on both sides with single keypress when text is selected.

I can then copy-paste directly to create folder…

I’ve tried more complex / convoluted workflows, but this one appears to keep me at a good cruising speed.

I find that I have no good way at the moment to extract “complete index, including files that are in the folders”. But with the number of files, that would have made my index very large. I will keep your input in mind. Thank you.

Example of workflow from Logseq (I was supposed to keep it at 21.ID, sorry for mis-typing 22, 23, 24)


Nice workflow!

I find that I have no good way at the moment to extract “complete index, including files that are in the folders”.

does your file manager allow a ‘tree view’ where you can collapse/open folders without opening them? would that be a ‘good enough’ low-tech solution, in combination with your index page in logseq?

Yeah, I use XYplorer as file manager - and exporting file list is okay.

But merging file list (D) with the Index file from Logseq would have to happen auto-magically (or manually. :weary:)

Haven’t run into an issue yet where I’ve been missing such a “complete list”.

If the need arises and I need a complete list - including files, maybe I’ll think of something cool - or find some way to automate / generate it.


Can you tell a little more about this _ a kind of how to setup and start … looks promising.

Hi @JohnD ,

Intro to Logseq setup:

1; Download and install Logseq -

2; Get a bit familiar (create your first logseq “graph” (as they call it) - but it’s really only a config and a bunch of markdown files - and get to know a little about daily journal, [[pages]], #tags, slash commands, left and right menu)
(a lot of good youtube stuff out there). I’ve been down the Logseq rabbithole since april 2023 - and for me - it’s life BEFORE and AFTER :grin:

3; When ready, Create [[00.00 Index]] as page - (and if you prefer make it your homepage (in config.edn) - so that it’s the first thing that loads when you start Logseq)

Here is what I have i my config.edn file:


4; Create your Areas as [[Pages]] - here are mine:


5; Continue with the Categories under each page - just as shown in the above .gif example

  • Everytime you want to create single brackets around a number, just select the text and press [ > brackets are created on both sides

  • Everytime you want to create [[page]], you just select the text and do [[ > brackets are created on both sides

Export your index?

There is also a cool function in Logseq called “embed”, which means you can cherrypick information from different locations, piece them together (like building blocks) and export them.

7; (I do not use Logseq Sync between devices - I let Syncthing and AOMEI Backupper do my backups, I can access a computer (Win10 Pro) from anywhere via Chrome Remote Desktop / VPN & rdp- so I keep all my stuff on that computer - but access it from everywhere)

Sorry if this became too much information…


Hi, thanks…… that is nice…. Will give it a go over the weekend and try to report back… again thanks for you effort….


No problem.
Good luck :slight_smile:

Here is the embed function I mentioned, which gives you direct access to what you embed (I’ve embedded the next level Areas > Category, so can quickly expand / contract and nagivate with keyboard or mouse)

Also shown;
How to input link in (markdown) - so if you click it, it opens File Explorer - for easy access to storage.

Let me know if you get stuck on something, I’ll try to advice.


In case there are other users of Logseq out there.

I tweaked sethyuan’s logseq-plugin-wrap to accommodate that I use single brackets in the index to show there is a folder created in the JD storage system :


This was done by replacing this code (since I don’t use annotate) in .logseq\settings\logseq-wrap.json

    "wrap-annotate": {
      "label": "Annotate",
      "binding": "",
      "pluginCommand": "logseq-long-form.models.createMetaBlock",
      "template": "[$^]((($%)))",
      "icon": "<svg t=\"1694574701157\" class=\"icon\" viewBox=\"0 0 1024 1024\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"\" p-id=\"3113\" width=\"200\" height=\"200\"><path d=\"M511.973 144.799c-234.814 0-425.17 164.414-425.17 367.23 0 74.25 25.543 143.344 69.438 201.172 17.047 22.426-48.256 151.219-48.256 151.219s158.129-51.371 187.127-36.477c63.49 32.566 137.627 51.258 216.861 51.258 234.869 0 425.225-164.414 425.225-367.172C937.197 309.213 746.842 144.799 511.973 144.799zM301.738 562.775c-28.035 0-50.746-22.711-50.746-50.746s22.711-50.746 50.746-50.746 50.746 22.711 50.746 50.746S329.773 562.775 301.738 562.775zM511.973 562.775c-28.035 0-50.746-22.711-50.746-50.746s22.711-50.746 50.746-50.746c28.033 0 50.746 22.711 50.746 50.746S540.006 562.775 511.973 562.775zM722.205 562.775c-28.035 0-50.746-22.711-50.746-50.746s22.711-50.746 50.746-50.746 50.746 22.711 50.746 50.746S750.24 562.775 722.205 562.775z\" p-id=\"3114\" fill=\"#eeeeee\"></path></svg>"

With this

    "wrap-singlebracket": {
      "label": "Single bracket",
      "binding": "",
      "template": "[$^]",
      "icon": "<svg t=\"1694574701157\" class=\"icon\" viewBox=\"0 0 512 512\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"\" p-id=\"3113\" width=\"200\" height=\"200\"><path d=\"M512 416c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64L64 480c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64L0 96C0 60.7 28.7 32 64 32l128 0c20.1 0 39.1 9.5 51.2 25.6l19.2 25.6c6 8.1 15.5 12.8 25.6 12.8l160 0c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64l0 256zM232 376c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24l0-64 64 0c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24s-10.7-24-24-24l-64 0 0-64c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24s-24 10.7-24 24l0 64-64 0c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24l64 0 0 64z\" p-id=\"3114\" fill=\"#eeeeee\"></path></svg>"

You can copy the default custom code from the github page and paste in into .logseq\settings\logseq-wrap.json before you start editing.