Dynamically generate JDex file from JDex notes in Obsidian

I’m fiddling with implementing JD in Obsidian for my personal and academic duties. I chose the “one note per ID” strategy, because it looks the easiest. However, I realised that I would still like to have an index file, so that it is quicker to scan through the IDs on mobile.

After a bit of online search, I implemented a dynamic index file via the Dataview plugin (with dataviewjs enabled).

Here is a test vault with the structure:

The 00.00 Index.md file looks like this:

# Index

let categories = dv.pages('"00-09 System management/00 Meta-system/00.01 Index notes"')
    .sort(p => p.file.name)
    .groupBy(p => p.file.frontmatter.jdcategory)

let areas = dv.pages('"00-09 System management/00 Meta-system/00.01 Index notes"')
    .sort(p => p.file.name)
    .groupBy(p => p.file.frontmatter.jdarea)

for (let area of areas) {
    dv.header(2, area.key);
	let areaNum = Math.floor(Number(area.key.slice(0, 2)) / 10);
    for (let category of categories) {
	    let catNum = Math.floor(Number(category.key.slice(0, 2)) / 10);
	    if (areaNum == catNum) {
		    dv.header(3, String(category.key).padStart(2, '0'));
		       .sort(k => k.file.name)
		       .map(k => k.file.link + ": " + k.file.frontmatter.jddescription)

For this to work, each JDex ID entry note should have


in the YAML frontmatter.

The pros I found for this approach are:

  • I am less likely to duplicate IDs, because I can take a look at the used ones first from any device;
  • by copying the dynamic result and pasting it elsewhere, I obtain a static single-file JDex.

There are cons, of course:

  • creating a new entry takes more time;
  • if Obsidian is not available, one still needs to scan the entries’ folder and look for an empty ID.

Very cool. Next we need a clean-up script for when I just slam a note in with just the xx.yy identifier and don’t take the time to do the front matter. :stuck_out_tongue:


For that, I use the stock Templater plug-in and use the command palette to forcefully insert the jdex-slip template


# <!-- Insert ID name here -->
## Location
- Obsidian notes

## Quick notes
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I do something very similar, although I make notes for areas and categories as well. It gives me a nice place to describe the area/category, its scope etc. I also use data view inside these to list its categories (for areas) or IDs (for categories).

I’ve uploaded a sample to Github. It looks like this:

There are some templates that I use for creating the index notes as well, and (obviously) the Dataview JS code.

Hope someone find it useful!


Here is my dataviewjs version, it’s based on Life Admin version with notes for are/categories/ids and I added #type/index tag to all of them.
Script also adds highlighting to header ids.

function formatItem(i) {
	let typeMark = "";
	if (i.file.name.indexOf('■') > -1) {
		return `==${i.file.link}==`;
	return `${i.file.link}`;
let pages = dv.pages("#type/index").sort(p => p.file.name, "asc");

const by_area = pages.groupBy((p) => p.file.folder.split('/')[0])

for (let area of by_area) {
    dv.header(3, area.key);
    const by_category = area.rows.groupBy((p) => p.file.folder.split('/')[1]);
    for (let category of by_category) {
 	    const categoryRoot = dv.el("ul", "");
	    const categoryRootLi = dv.el("li", `[[${category.key}]]`, {container: categoryRoot});
	    const idRoot = dv.el("ul", "", {container: categoryRootLi});
	    for (let id of category.rows) {
		    dv.el("li", formatItem(id), {container: idRoot});

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