New here. First of all, many thanks to John for a great system and a great guide. I read the site contents. I bought the starter kit hoping that it would answer my question but it didn’t.
I plan to have areas based on my five core values in order of priority:
- 10-19 Health
- 20-29 People
- 30-39 Living conditions
- 40-49 Money
- 50-59 Fun
10-19 includes things I need to run my body - fitness, nutrition, prescriptions, doctor’s visits, medical procedures, test results, etc.
20-29 includes relationships - information about other people except what falls into other categories (but that’s for the closest family only - I track my children’s health but not friends’). Children’s school stuff goes here.
30-39 includes external things I need to live - house, cars, appliances, electronics, various purchases, etc. Purchase records, deeds, titles, registration, repairs and maintenance records, warranty, shopping lists, routines (perhaps, under 03 or 05) etc.
40-49 includes everything related to money - bank info, financial accounts, investment, bills, budgets, retirement planning, subscriptions and memberships, insurance, etc.
50-59 includes other stuff like vacations, travel, reading, movies, music, hobbies, various interests, etc.
So far so good. Notice that I placed “Insurance” under “Money” and not under respective insured item - health, car, house, etc. This is different from the “Life Admin” structure from the QuickStart and from what many people do. These are the reasons:
- All types of insurance have similar structure of items to track: Policies, Claims, Quotes. They are renewed periodically - it makes sense to organize them by year-month of renewal.
- Same insurance policy may cover more than one item. E.g. all my cars are under the same policy. Health insurance covers all family members, etc. And ultimately, insurance is not about your health or your car, it’s really about money, if you think about it.
But then someone in your family has a car accident. How would you track it? I’m looking for ideas.
It would include a few items that belong across all areas except “Fun”:
- Claim under Money - Insurance - Claims
- Repair records under Cars
- Medical records under Health
- The person’s driving records under People
I plan to keep these records in respective categories but link them to the claim somehow. E.g. I’d like to see ALL repairs to my car in one category, regardless of whether they were related to an insurance claim or not. Same for medical treatments. But I’d like to hear how other people deal with this kind of situation.
Sorry for a long post. I thought the details may be helpful. Since my approach is slightly different from the QuickStart template, it may also be useful to others.