Joplin (notes app) for JDex+ filesystem


I’m sorry if this post is grammatically incorrect. English is not my first language and I only use it on the internet :globe_with_meridians:.
I refuse to use translate tools (or GPT) to do the writing. I’d rather sound unnatural than “artificial” (so i can even throw around some bad puns)


Joplin changed my life, before that i have a zillion of tabs on notepad++, and some folders here and there, very chaotic.
Today i have all files and docs in one place (Joplin), and is all organized in J.D.
I now have this on my work PC, on my phone, or wherever i want. Before this i have to remote desktop to my work pc to search thru notepad++ tabs to find some critical info.

About the app

I am absolutely not affiliated with Joplin app in any way (I don’t even pay for the thing)

  • The app is open-source and privacy friendly. The client and the server (that you can even self-host).
  • Is Crossplatform (Android-iOS-Linux-Windows-Mac).
  • You can sync to cloud services, you can even enable local end-to-end-encryption (e2ee) so your data is encrypted before is sent to, for example, dropbox.
  • It can handle file versioning and manages conflicts (like Syncthing)
  • Each note is a markdown (.md) file
  • Each note can have attached data, wich is embedded in the note (.pdf, images, audio, video, .zip files, ecc.)

You colud say that is like Obsidian (wich i tried for a while), but much more boomer friendly. I personally found it so easy to use. Its stripped down of all the graphical nonsense, you could argue that is outdatedo or even ugly. I think simplicity is better.

It is as simple as it gets. Notes taking app. You can have multiple vaults (systems).
You can use just to take notes, or to keep your index, or even better: To have your whole filesystem

To see more of the app or how to use it, just go to their website. They certainly explain things better than i can

Some examples

Hey, this is my system i use at work so there is some sensitive data (blurred) and is a very use-specific system, so some things would seem a little weird

  1. Here you can see in the left panel my folder structure (AC), the middle panel show the IDs of the selected Category. And the preview show the text file, in this case a little manual with some embedded images

  1. This could go on… here i have a note with an embedded PDF, that i can read from inside the note.

  1. Here i have a file as an attachment. In this case is an .exe file


  1. The sky is the limit, here i have a full video embedded into the note

I could go on, but you get the idea.

Side-note: “The JDex is the filesystem” as a concept

I think that the possibility of using a single system (app) to manage your system (J.D.) could worth further exploring.
It is not a Joplin exclusive thing. You could do it in Obsidian, or on any other program that supports attachments into the notes.

In the previous examples, as i was using it principally for technical documentation, there were only a few attachments (embedded data), and all my system is ~ 300MB

But where i find it more useful is on my personal (life admin) system, because this should replace my cloud drive, having there stored all my digital life.

This post become longer than it should, and I’ve started having second thoughts to publish it. So right now I want to delete the draft, so instead I’ll post it as is.
It may be some corrections or formatting edit in the future. But I promise this post will not be deleted (by me at least)


Please send feedback, im open to discussion, improvement, clarifications, more screenshots, etc.

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Hey Julian! I’m glad you followed my INSTRUCTIONS. :wink: Great to have you here, Joplin looks amazing and really ugly and I love that you’ve got your whole work setup in JD. That’s really cool.

And NEVER GPT for any translations please, I love language and its nuance and while I’m not against AI/LLMs generally, one thing they do is make language really really bland. I mean it’s literally how they work, they just generate the next most likely word.

My best friend is Belgian and he speaks fully fluent English but you can still tell it’s not his first language and it makes life so much more interesting.