22.00.0069: What is an ID?

Few days old sorry, realised I’d forgotten to cross-post here.

On the forum, user @cobblepot raises the question of how much a Johnny.Decimal ID should contain, and whether it should contain subfolders, and if so how many.

My thinking on this has changed significantly over the years. The site needs a proper refresh, which will take time. It’s next on my list.

Until then, this short video hopefully clarifies my thinking, and answers some of cobblepot’s questions directly.

Interesting. Per your China example, you are essentially using numeric “sub ID’s” under a single ID.

Yes, but purely to enforce order: in this case, the natural order of planning a trip. These numbers aren’t intended to be used in a reference, like 11.52.20. (Not saying you can’t. Just that you don’t need to.)

And we spaced them out in tens…

10 Planning
20 Travel documents & visas
30 Transport
40 Accommodation
50 Itineraries & schedules
60 Expenses to claim

just in case. If you do single digits you prevent the insertion of a new item. This way you can always sneak something in at 15 if you need to.

Also note that, while different, this structure mirrors the ‘holiday’ template. So that gives your brain a bit of familiarity.