22.00.0034: The classes of to-do

As in, what types of to-do are there.

I like the feel of this, and where it could be going.
Tasks are something Iā€™ve struggled with for a long time. I have never, in my entire life, found a system that works for me. Itā€™s a big pain point. Things get lost, or put off (and then lost in a shame spiral) or procrastinated onā€¦

I like the distinction here between MUST (P1), SHOULD (P2-P3) and MAY (P4), and how they all live in different systems, managed differently. Keep all the P4s around without the shame/anxiety of seeing them alongside your P1s and getting overwhelmed with all the things you have to do.

Iā€™m interested to see where you end up going with the ā€œorthogonalityā€ of scheduled tasks and how one works with nebulous scheduling (e.g. Feed the neighbourā€™s cat at some point in the evening).

Iā€™m also interested to see how it ties in with your index card system; the analog, paper, ā€œstuff Iā€™m doing right nowā€ tasks.

Basically, Iā€™ve got a lot of task management stuff on my mind right now, swirling around, just waiting for a few more ingredients/catalysts to coalesce into something that would be actually useful.

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In a way it feels funny to be thinking about this again. Surely this is a solved problem?

But, obviously not. And I think itā€™s a problem that adjusts with us over time. Ten years ago maybe a simple GTD methodology worked. But then we got always-with-us devices and home assistants that record anything we shout at them and literally dozens more to-do apps.

The landscape isnā€™t, well, a landscape. Because landscapes tend to be static. Itā€™s more like an ocean. A swirling ocean of okay enough of this terrible metaphorā€¦

Iā€™m thinking about this a lot at the moment. Like, most of the day. I want to bring it back to basics. Itā€™s not about the tools. I firmly believe that with the right process you could do this with a plain text file or a stack of index cards and Post-it notes.

A realisation from a walk earlier today: itā€™s not like weā€™ve had this surfeit of ā€˜productivity appsā€™ forever. And yet people seem to have managed to ā€˜get things doneā€™ in the past.

So yeah, Iā€™ll keep throwing ideas here, and this is all in service of making Lucy organised so itā€™ll be in the workshop. But it is an evolving idea so please bear with me, and I appreciate all the input.

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This deserves its own :heart_decoration:

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Funny to see this come up now. Iā€™ve just decided to refactor my Omnifocus tasks using the Eisenhower matrix (https://www.eisenhower.me/eisenhower-matrix/) which is very similar to what you are describing.

I keep coming back to a ā€˜Bullet Journalā€™ style of doing things. In my notebook, I have a Month Ahead page for tasks ā€œScheduledā€ more than a week ahead, a Next Week page for Nice To Doā€™s (P3), a page for each Day of the next 7 days, with P1 tasks listed at the top of the page, written top down, and P2 tasks listed at the bottom of the page, written bottom up - if these ever meet then I know Iā€™m being too optimistic, and I move some P2ā€™s to the next Day page. I also have a couple of pages dedicated to ā€œUnplanned Missionsā€ which would be the P4ā€™s - these are ambitions I have not yet committed to do.

Reading this blog post has made me realise a few flaws in my current system.

  • I have too many P1ā€™s - even if the ā€˜projectā€™ is important, not every task for that project is important
  • It would be better to work on ā€œtomorrowā€™sā€ P1s than ā€œtodayā€™sā€ P2s most of the time.
  • Once a week I have to move all the P3ā€™s I didnā€™t do to the next Next Week page, which just means I have to feel guilty once a week for no gain.

The advantage of keeping everything in a journal is that nothing ever gets lost. The disadvantage is that I end up looking at all the things I havenā€™t done proportionally more than I look at the things I have done.

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Things 3 + pen & paper has been working well for me with this. Was an avid Apple Reminders user but I didnā€™t like how hard it shamed you when something that you assigned a date to was overdue. Like, that thing wasnā€™t that important, I just wanted it on my to-do list yesterday

Yeah Iā€™ve been trying to use Reminders just to get better at it, and thereā€™s a lot about it that I donā€™t love.

Weā€™re a HomePod house though and damn is it convenient being able to shout at Siri and have it go in your reminders. I know you can get it to send those to Things or whatever but itā€™s not as nice or reliable.

Thingsā€™ Today view, where you choose what goes there ā€” no shame, no nagging! ā€” is a great innovation. Lucy uses it heavily. You can recreate it in Reminders using a tag and a smart folderā€¦

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Yes, I still use reminders as a sort of capture system with Siri, but end up managing most of my project tasks in Things. Both have their strengths & weaknesses. When it all gets too much I just whip out a notebook

I use a MYN system (Master Your Now) by Michael Linenberger. Iā€™ve never heard it mentioned by anyone online and have no idea why itā€™s not more popular. I combine it with GTD methodology to manage my tasks and email.

To cut a long story short;

  • P1 tasks are ā€œCritical Nowā€, limited to 5 (as opposed to Catastrophic, lol)
  • P2 tasks are ā€œOpportunity Nowā€, which are tasks that you could do, but can wait until the critical tasks for the day are complete (max. 20)
  • P3 tasks are ā€œOver-the-Horizonā€, and hidden from view until you are ready to promote them to your Today view, so you donā€™t feel overwhelmed by a huge backlog of things to do.

Obviously thereā€™s more to it, and Michael has some excellent guides to set up a system using Todoist and similar apps, but I find it to be simple and I structure my actionable email the same way, using Red flags for P1 tasks on my Mac, Orange for P2s and Blue for Over the Horizon ā€¦ plus a few colours for Waiting For, Read Later and Bills/Finance, that I go through every Saturday during a weekly review.

Will check it out. Iā€™m in to this 2011 web page!


Oh thatā€™s right, itā€™s been a while since I was on his site. Thatā€™s probably why itā€™s not as popular as it could be! :smile:

Here is the page for Todoist

And one for Things

I think I bought the Todoist course a couple of years ago so itā€™s not too old.
The website sucks but the content is pretty good.