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How to store multple IDs in a system zero category?
In category 42 of the workshop, two system-level zero examples are given: 01.01 System inbox and 09.09 System archive. I would naturally have created the latter as 09.01 System archive. This leads me to believe that system-level zeros are meant to only hold one ID.
02.01 First note <- wrong
02.02 System notes
02.03 Third note <- wrong
I am looking to store two IDs in category 02 System notes. Again, I would naturally do this as:
02.01 System notes
02.02 Workshop notes
However, the examples given lead me to believe I should use 02.02 System notes and then find another place outside this category to put my workshop notes.
00-09 System
02 Notes
02.02 System notes
10-20 Other area
11 Other category
11.01 Workshop notes
Alternatively, I could again use 02.02 System notes and then add my workshop notes as 02.03 Workshop notes but then I would not have ID 02.01 which is unintuitive.
02.02 System notes
02.03 Workshop notes
Maybe I am overthinking this and should just do what feels natural by starting at 02.01, but I just want to make sure I am not missing a key concept.
My caution with the system stuff up at 00-09 comes from using it in the past and then losing stuff there. I think I’ll remember I put this here and then I never do.
So be really careful. Try to find a better place. Use it as a last resort.
And hence using 09.09 for example vs. 09.01. Because yeah, it feels like maybe you should only have one thing up there? And so really, just dumping it all in 09 Archive would be enough. But things should be in IDs, that’s a rule I didn’t want to break, hence 09.09.