Hi everyone, new to the system, so purchased the pdf but i was linked to the site from discord. I clicked on the pdf and sent it to books on my iPad but its just showing as the cover and no pages, I’ve had no email to download the pdf and the discord web page has gone since i clicked off it after to read a message from someone. Any idea how I can access the pdf? Thanks.
Hey hey. The PDF is a paid thing, did you go via the Gumroad page?
You should be able to sign back in there and find it in your ‘library’.
I did pay yes, can’t see where to login?
I can see your account in Gumroad so that all looks good.
That’ll log you in to your Gumroad ‘Library’ where all of your Gumroad-purchased content is visible.
Gumroad is also really good about sending email receipts with links, so if you can’t see that, check your spam folder.