My attempt at using 13 System expansion/Extend the end

Hello from a very cold England!

I’ve been playing around with my system this evening to try and organise my children’s files (again). This time trying the recently published 13 System expansion.

Here is my attempt to organise my daughter’s education using the life admin pack. 11.42 is children, but instead of children, I’ve just given them a separate ID for now.

11.42 Daughters name here.

11.42+PRS 2021-2022 Insert name of preschool here
11.42+PRS 2022-2023 Insert name of preschool here
11.42+EDU 2023-2024 YR R (Inset year of school here i.e Kindergarden/Grade 1 etc)
11.42+EDU 2024-2025 YR 1 (Kindergarden/Grade 1 etc)

PRS - Preschool
EDU - Education

Let me know what you think.
@johnnydecimal am I getting it?

Yeah that should work. In my mind I had it the ‘other way round’ where instead of kids + type of thing – in this case kid + school – I had type of thing + kid.

So I might have done 11.82 Hobbies & learning + KID … but then if you have +1 kids, and you want to further sub-organise by PRS and so on, that’s going to get a little complicated.

Also hobbies & learning doesn’t really fit with ‘a kid going to school’ in my mind…


Unsure. What do others think?

Also hobbies & learning doesn’t really fit with ‘a kid going to school’ in my mind…

This was my thinking. I’m still struggling to grasp my degrees being in the hobbies & learning tbh, let alone the children, but trusting and following the process as much as possible. The other things so far are as you recommended type of thing + kid

(Also trying to minimise as many subfolders as possible, not going more than 4 folders deep where possible)

I wonder if we should split hobbies and formal education?


Maybe. That would probably make more sense for me. I naturally think of hobbies and learning as picking up a book or watching a video/s or attending a workshop on a specific skill or interest whether that is the well known knitting, gardening, painting hobbies or a free child psychology course at the open university, butttt I would see a university paid for psychology degree completely separate to hobbies, even if it is a bit of a hobby
, because who doesn’t like learning about human behaviour, especially criminal behaviour?

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What you calling me? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think the rationale behind not having an education ID was that we knew most education doesn’t fit in a single ID.

Your psych degree doesn’t fit in an ID, for sure.

But your kids’ primary school? I can see how that would. How much are you saving there? Handfuls of stuff, occasionally?

What sort of stuff is it, actually?

Is this your line of thinking?
Imagining child 1 is Amy child 2 is Ben. For ease of laying this out, Amy and Ben can be twins.

11.42 Formal education

11.42+AMY 2021-2022 preschool
11.42+AMY 2022-2023 preschool
11.42+AMY 2023-2024 YR R
11.42+AMY 2024-2025 YR 1

11.42+BEN 2021-2022 preschool
11.42+BEN 2022-2023 preschool
11.42+BEN 2023-2024 YR R
11.42+BEN 2024-2025 YR 1

11.42+MUM 2007-2008 College course level 1
11.42+MUM 2008-2009 College course level 2
11.42+MUM 2009-2010 College course level 3
11.42+MUM 2014-2015 Mature student course
11.42+MUM 2015-2018 Undergraduate degree
42+MUM 2021-2022 Masters degree

11.43 Hobbies and interests

11.43+AMY Gymnastics
11.43+AMY Street dance
11.43+AMY acrobats

11.43+BEN football
11.43+BEN coding
11.43+BEN boxing

11.43+MUM horticulture
11.43+MUM baking
11.43+MUM minimalism
11.43+MUM pottery
11.43+MUM history

A chicken criminal :rofl:

That’s a good point, so do you see yourself making a separate AC for education? What are you currently doing?

I’m trying to stick to the LA pack to a T instead of doing my own thing, and noticing I am just hoarding random information I don’t need. If I am being totally honest, I am quite liking the idea of the last comment I posted, using initials and having everything in one ID+. Lots of information is reference rather than needing to be regularly used.
My children’s education is mostly EHCP (education health care plan), school meetings, and photographs. I know I should probably have photos completely separate though? Am I going ahead of myself? I think I’m almost done and then it’s like nope you aren’t sticking to the concepts.
My education is basically all of my assignments, notes, every psychological and sociological theory, dissertation, PowerPoints, guest lecture slides, trip photos, project photos, work placements, video recordings for presentations. For example when I did hairdressing we had to take a lot of photos for portfolio. For beauty therapy a lot of anatomy and physiology notes. In forensic archeology we did a fake crime scene investigation and had to take photos, design maps etc! It isn’t used regularly, but I do like to go back and jog my memory on something from time to time :slight_smile:

if you are wondering why the jump in fields, my parents wanted me to be a hairdresser and beautician, when I became a grown up, had my own child and made my own choices, I was able to do what I wanted, investigate crime. But I’ve had to put that on the back burner due to my daughters high needs and become a bookkeeper so I could work flexibly from home. I’ve thought about studying again, I love to study, I would stay at University forever if I could, they were the best days, even with children on board. I’m the geeky A* student who sits in the library studying all night instead of partying. Love love love it.


I had imagined this the other way round.

11.43 My family is really broad. So 11.43+MUM+… could capture anything, really – but that feels like a path to being disorganised.

Flip it. For mum’s horticulture, find the horticulture ID: 12.42 Outdoor plants. Now do 12.42+MUM, and if Ben gets in to gardening and has his own patch, 12.42+BEN.

Mum’s pottery sounds like a hobby. 11.82+MUM pottery.

Amy’s acrobatics sounds like exercise. 11.27+AMY acrobatics.

And so on.

Note that I’m just using the ID then the plus, because I don’t need to type out the whole ID title again. This is how I’m doing it in my own system, and I’ve only got a couple of examples but it’s working great so far.

e.g. 15.52 is the family’s upcoming trip to Australia. :partying_face: It has the full title: 15.52 Family trip to Australia, Nov 2024.

Then I have 15.52+ Fun things to do where I’m keeping fun things to do in a separate note, just for neatness.

I’m in a very similar process, and my current attempt is slightly different. Since 11.8x have enough space, I created 11.84 Daycare. Then I’ll add 11.85 School and so on. I won’t go too granular, just 2-3 more IDs (for example, maternelle - it’s in between daycare and school, but it will be in school id, because it’s considered more like school). Keeping it all in one formal education id might be fine too, I just wanted a bit more separation.

So, I have:

# Obsidian
10-19 Life admin/11 Me & other living things/11.84 Daycare 
❯ tree
├── 11.84
├── 11.84+_K Daycare
│   └── 11.84+_K
└── 11.84+MK Daycare
    ├── 11.84+MK
    ├── Garderie Q&
    └── Materiel pour

# File system
10-19 LA/11 Me & other living things/11.84 Daycare 
❯ tree -d
└── 11.84+MK Daycare
    ├── 2023-03 Inscription
    └── 2024-03 Entente & Règie interne

And there is also a bunch of paper stuff, including my own , lol.

Next, I have “master” notes 11.42 My kids/M****** and 11.42 My kids/_****** which have links to all their + ids and other relevant notes. For example, there is 13.23 Investments & assets/RESP which is relevant for all children at the moment, because it’s a family account.

Also, I don’t use JD convention for 11.84+ some blah-blah child note pattern. If I need a child note, it lives under relevant folder in Obsidian next to index note. I use Waypoint plugin to keep them linked to index note just in case, but that’s just nice to have.

Why _K?

Because we haven’t selected name yet, hehe. At first I did mistake of using ?K but Android didn’t like it, so now it’s _K.

Dataview vs Waypoint vs manual linking

Obsidian geeks might notice that for kid master note I use manual linking instead of dataview query. Reason is simple: I want these links to be true links and be preserved in plain text. Same reason why I use Waypoint for child notes.

But, just in case, I have a “maintenance” dataview query to check for + notes which are not linked from master note. If everything is linked properly, query result should be empty.

FROM -outgoing([[]])
WHERE contains(, "+MK")
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