Made a template to help with using Johnny.Decimal within an Obsidian vault

I use a JD-style folder structure for maintaining an Obsidian Vault. I found making new files cumbersome as I was often needing to make a new folder at the same time.

I ended up using the Templater plugin to create a folder template which is applied to the entire vault, which prompts for a name, creates a folder with that name with the correct index value, and moves the file to that folder.

if (tp.file.folder().split(" ")[0].length > 2) return;  // only operate on parents

// move file into the correct Johnny Decimal folder
const title = await tp.system.prompt("Name")
if (!title) return;
const folder = tp.file.find_tfile(tp.file.path(true)).parent
const last = folder.children
  .filter(f => !f.basename)  // filter to folders only
  .map(f =>" ")[0]).sort().last();
const cat =" ")[0];
const next = last ? String(Number(last.split(".")[1]) + 1).padStart(2, "0") : "01";
await tp.file.rename(title)
await tp.file.move(`${folder.path}/${cat}.${next} ${title}/${title}`)

Now, whenever I create a new file in eg “23 Locations”, it will automatically prompt for a name and create an appropriate folder with that name and move the new note to that folder. This way I can maintain the JD folder structure while still taking advantage of Obsidian wikilinks without excessive aliasing everywhere.

Thought I’d share it here in case anyone else found it useful.


Nice! I’ll add this to 31.01 Built for the system • Johnny.Decimal

Oh, man. This makes me want to go back to Obsidian… Really great work!