I’ve purchased and gone through the JD book but I’m still confused about what seems to be a very basic JD thing. I’m sure its me and not you.
But what is a « project » in this system? I don’t want to get caught up on the JD vs GTD vs PARA vernaculars, but rather to understand the core concepts of JD
I gather from the book that « projects » are the top level in JD (and within them Areas ranging from 00-99, then Categories). But after reviewing sample set ups, top-level schemas range from “My entire Life” to “Work”/“Personal” to “renovate house” to “implement big gov’t project”. The new material on “13 Projects” further confuses this for me. Is JD’s philosophy that the top level can be that fluid for different use cases - for example some put their entire life in one JD “Project”, while others might use 25 different JD “Projects” to track 25 different pillars of their life?
For example, I’m thinking of just having “personal” and “work” for two top level JD PROJECTS. Is that right ? I would normally think of these as large “Areas” that contain projects as well as sub-areas (that may contain projects), but that is admittedly a GTD hang-up, and again I don’t want to get hung up on language when I’m really concerned about structure/scale.
This leads me to another question regarding tracking large, medium and small « projects » within JD, but I just want to make sure I’ve got this basic thing right.