JD Website Theme for Obsidian?

Hi forum,

I was wondering if anybody has translated the JD website theme to an Obsidian theme? Typography, colors, etc., it looks amazing and can imagine it working great for Obsidian.


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If it helps you can have the CSS. Hit me up.

Though it’s all pretty obvious.

  1. Berkeley Mono.
  2. International Orange (Aerospace).
  3. Success guaranteed.

The moment I started reading JD’s site, I asked myself the same thing. I tried looking for a similar theme or plugin but couldn’t find one, so I wanted to create one myself (I am a software engineer, but not necessarily on the front end).

Sadly, Berkeley Mono is a paid-for font (there’s a free trial license, but that’s not worth relying on since that font version comes with a very limited charset). Moreover, when I asked them if I could use the font (even after buying it) in such a free plugin/theme, they kindly asked me not to do so since their licenses are incompatible with free software packages.

I was also hooked on the frames around the location sections; however, those are not plain CSS but divs with characters, so that might make theme creation a bit more complicated.

I would still try my hand at a theme, though :slight_smile: IBM Plex Mono - Google Fonts looks like a nice replacement font :slight_smile:

You sure about this bit? You mean could you use it locally within a theme? I’m pretty sure you can do that — and that’s exactly what the cheaper ‘indie dev’ licence is for.

A different matter if you intend to distribute something, obviously.

Indeed, it’s most likely related to the distribution of a software package embedding the font. Here’s a screenshot with the more relevant part of my exchange with them (for reference?).

Ah sorry I misunderstood your intent to distribute vs. do your own private thing.

I’m probably biased by my own start with Berkeley: I bought the ‘indie dev’ licence and used it as my own VSCode font for a while. Then I upgraded to the next one so I could use it on johnnydecimal.com (a free ‘product), and then Neil kindly upgraded me to the next level so that I could typeset the workbook, which is a commercial product. (This involved email conversations and buy-this-version-and-I’ll-refund-you-this-version; an effort he didn’t need to make.)

He’s been nothing but a gentleman the entire time so if this is what he says, I trust him 100%. At the end of the day he’s someone like me: just ‘one guy’ trying to make a business out of a thing.

Buy his font! And just use it locally. You’ll be happier every day. :slight_smile:

Yep, Neil seems like a wonderful guy, and the font instantly hooked me :slight_smile: (not to mention it’s quite complete, offering support for many languages, etc.)

I might just buy it for my personal use…

Moreover, a carefully designed one might use a font stack, referencing Berkeley Mono as the first font and, if that’s not available on the machine, falling back on something else :slight_smile: