J.D system for professors/academics?

A system for academics or a tried and true way to implement the native JD would be a great thing. I am currently trying to move from PARA with some numbering to JD after a couple of years. PARA doesn’t feel right for my work. I think it is better for a faster-paced kind of work. I constantly use materials from my archive, e.g. from previous years’ courses, I need them here not there, and I feel that building a body of materials (a repository) incremented/modified a bit each year does not work well with juggling folders between Projects/Areas/Archive. It would be better if a course had its place, constantly augmented by new experience but with everything what was there before at hand.

Same for research.

But while for research I kind of seem to find my way with JD, I struggle with organizing teaching folders. I’d like to have a clear way of storing the materials of previous years.

P Personal Projects
	P01 Life administration
	P02 DnD / RPG
W work/career projects
	W01 Research project 1
		10-19 adm
	W02 Research project 2
	W10 Teaching 1
		10-19 adm
		20-29 course materials
			20 lectures 2023
			21 problems 2023
			22 lectures 2024
			23 problems 2024
		30-39 ideas and other materials
	W11 Teaching 2


W work/career projects
	W01 Research project 1
		10-19 adm
	W02 Research project 2
	W10 Teaching 1 2023
		10-19 adm
		20-29 course materials
			20 lectures
				20.1 lecture 01
				20.2 lecture 02
			21 problems
		30-39 ideas and other materials
    W11 Teaching 2 2023
    W12 Teaching 1 2024

Or some other way, e.g.:

W work/career projects
	W01 Research project 1
		10-19 adm
	W02 Research project 2
	W10 Teaching 1
		10-19 materials from years 2023-33
			10 2023
				10.1 lectures
				10.2 problems
				10.3 ...
			11 2024
			12 2025
			13 ...
		20-29 course materials
			20 lectures
			21 problems
			22 ...
		30-39 ideas and other materials
	W11 Teaching 2

It feels like separate projects for each year are too much. But I can’t find my way around if the course is a project and the years should be inside it.

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