Implementing with thousands estimates

Hello everyone. I’m new to JD, but as soon as I laid my eyes on it and got to understand its logic, I thought this is the way my mind works.

I’m still in a planning phase for my business JD implementation. Among many other areas and categories, the one I’m struggling with is how I’m going to organize the estimates made to customers. We make thousands of them each year and currently, each one has its own folder where there are any relevant files.

We use Google Drive and don’t actually resort to the folders by navigating the File System, because our estimates are controlled in Airtable where there’s a link to the folder itself.

By strictly using JD, there shouldn’t be any folders inside 22.02 Customer Estimates.

How would you suggest I proceed? Should I just ignore this rule and go with the folders in it? Any other suggestions?

20–29 Sales Operations
├──	21 Maintenance Sales
|	├── 21.01 Parts Catalogs
|	├── ...
├──	22 Equipment Sales
|	├──	22.01 Equipment Catalogs
|	├──	22.02 Customer Estimates
|	└──────	In here I would have about a thousand estimates/year.
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As long as you don’t need to use that estimate in a JD context later – so it doesn’t turn in to an order, which you also track in this system – I think you’re okay to break the rules. Feels simple and clean.

Of course it’d be ideal if the estimate had its own number that you could reference here. Does Airtable generate an ID for each? I’d put that at the front of your folder name.

20–29 Sales Operations
├──	21 Maintenance Sales
|	├── 21.01 Parts Catalogs
|	├── ...
├──	22 Equipment Sales
|	├──	22.01 Equipment Catalogs
|	├──	22.02 Customer Estimates
|	└───	  290834 [customer name]
|	└───	  290894 [customer name]
|	└───	  291334 [customer name]
|	└───	  292141 [customer name]
|	└───	  ...and so on