How to get started with digital estate planning

In the Quick Start: ‘Life admin’ pack we created this ID:

10-19 Life admin
   14 💻 My online life
      14.21 My emergency recovery kit 🚨

…and in there we say that you should create such a thing, but that we’re not really qualified to tell you how to.

Well! The good people at 1Password very much are qualified, and overnight they released a 21-page PDF. We’ll add a link to 14.21 in the next release, but until then, here it is.

This is something you should all think about. A good friend of mine died about 10 years ago and it was a nightmare for his family because as well as the obvious trauma, trying to do things like close down his Facebook and get access to his bank accounts was near impossible. Something like this would have helped enormously: had he done it before he died.

It’s too late once it’s too late. Take some small step today.


I’ve been thinking off and on about NokBox, but not too keen about having another physical piece of stuff around the house.

Might it replace an existing physical box though?

I dare say we all have ‘that box’. Mine is a Pelican case locked with a Bilock in the cupboard under the stairs.[1]

In there are our passports, birth certificates, 1Password emergency kits, iCloud recovery keys. My Australian citizenship certificate. You get the idea.

So if you already have one of those, replace it with the NokBox. One in, one out!

  1. We live in a bungalow as does most of Australia, but this is how I think of this cupboard. ↩︎

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This is on a long list of to dos! I think a physical box is important as you say for passports, birth certificates etc. I use my filing cabinet and it is set up as JD except birth certificates, passports, drivers licences are all in one plastic wallet with yellow high vis jackets, emergency first aid and survival kits incase we ever have to run. Apocalypse anyone? :stuck_out_tongue:

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