Hey there,
I’m new to the system and just dug through the workbook and Life-admin template.
I’m unsure how to setup my business. I’m a freelancer and work as a voice over artist and graphic designer, this year I’m about to give meditation exercises as a certified teacher and this is the setup I first came up with:
20-29 Business Admin
----21 Voice Over
-------21.00 System Management
-------21.01 Inbox
-------21.08 Archive
-------21.10 Marketing Material
-------21.11 Website
-------21.12 Print Products
-------21.13 Social Media
-------21.14 Newsletter
-------21.15 Blog Posts
-------21.20 Coachings, Education
-------21.21 Coaching A
-------21.22 …
-------21.60 Clients
-------21.61 Client A
--------- sub-folders
----22 Meditation
-------look above
-------22.40 Courses
-------22.41 Introduction Course
--------- sub-folders
----23 Graphic Design
-------look above
----29 Admin
-------41.01 Accounting
-------41.02 Tax Number and Documents
-------41.03 Finances
I left out 24-28 because maybe I’ll add a Podcast or other business projects. And I would still need to use sub-folders cause every client has multiple projects
But then I thought that maybe all those categories need there own area? Like
20-29 Voice Over
----21 Marketing Material
----22 Coaching, Education
----23 Clients
30-39 Meditation
----34 Courses
40-49 Graphic Design
and THEN I thought that I might not be a good idea cause it would just add another folder level to everything - and I would not know where to put the accounting folder (because tax wise all these businesses count as one).
I’m not sure. Maybe someone can help me decide
Edit: I just tried to make it even bigger and give Voice Over a complete system like:
10-19 Administration
20-29 Marketing Material
30-39 Clients
But this just didn’t feel right. Especially with clients where I definitely need more than 10 in the future.