Breaking the rules / exceptions - allowed subfolders? What do other people do?

I’ve changed my mind on subfolders.

You should not be afraid to use subfolders. But they must be structured.

This ties in with my thoughts on the granularity of IDs: that is, they should be waaaay less granular than you might think. See this post for more on that.

So if your IDs are less granular, you need subfolders. But I think they should either:

  1. Start with the date, or
  2. Follow a template.

Two examples. In the JD system we have:

10-19 Office management
   15 Technology
      15.12 Hardware purchases

And that covers all hardware. Whereas previously I might have created an ID for iPhone 15, now that just becomes:

10-19 Office management
   15 Technology
      15.12 Hardware purchases
            2024-03-21 iPhone 15

Also in that system we’re following the creative pattern:

90-99 Portfolio of creative outputs
      90024 YouTube video
            10 Design elements
            20 Words, text
            30 Images, drawings, screenshots
            40 Photos
            50 Audio, music
            60 Video, animation
            90 Exports, finals

And those folders are the same in every 9xxxx folder.

This is an idealised view of course. No doubt I’ll have exceptions of my own.