Am I doing this correctly?

So, I just found J.D and tried implementing it into my Obsidian workspace.

Here’s my setup currently. I don’t know if I should actually keep every note in another ‘xx.xx’ folder or not…


That isn’t everything but the screenshot shows how I tried organising things.

Instead of doing a separate ‘xx.xx’ folder per chapter (stories) or per lesson (school folders) should I be doing e.g. ‘11.01 Lessen’ (lessen = lessons in Dutch) and then throw all my lesson files into there? Or ‘11.01 chapters’ in the stories folders and then throw all chapter files into ‘11.01 chapters’?

And concerning Projects:
Should I name any folders under a project for example ‘B00.10-19’ and then ‘B00.11’ for the first story? Same with school folders. Should ‘10-19 5MT’ be ‘S00.10-19 5MT’ and any subsequent folders for example: ‘S00.11 Esthetica’ with e.g. ‘S00.11.01 …’ for the lesson notes?

Anyway, I hope my questions are understandable, I have a weird habit of overexplaining when asking about things.

Thanks in advance!

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Looks good to me!

Up to you. If you need the extra granularity of putting everything in an AC.ID folder then do that. But if you think this will just result in you clicking up and down through your folders all the time for no actual benefit, then go with the second option. As long as this doesn’t then devolve in to chaos!

This is another ‘it depends’. I find naming folders with the full name useful sometimes, but not always.

Usually if I want to refer to it from elsewhere, like if I want to use Alfred’s file search and if the name of the folder would be ambiguous without the full path.

Otherwise it might not be worth the bother. (Although it doesn’t hurt.)

Hi I’m a newbie and also have a query about the system after having read the website a couple times, been through the workbook, read the forum and done my mind-maps. I’m in the process of converting those into outlines in a Craft note, and about to re-organise my doc folders (primarily in iCloud) & Omnifocus.

I’ve had a bit of brain-fug about the IDs and the 2-folders deep concepts. I initially thought the IDs were for individual documents. It seems they are for folders/categories, and the items (documents, emails, notes etc) in the category in fact are not assigned a number. Is that right? The index then would just state the name of the item under the recant AC.ID.

So I think that means my system would look something like this (in part):-

Area 01 - Personal (10-19)
11 - Personal (folder)
11.01 - Goals (sub-folder)
11.02 - Personal development (sub-folder)
11.03 - Personal Admin (sub-folder)

14 - Personal effectiveness (folder)
14.01 - GTD (sub-folder)
14.02 - 7HO (sub-folder)
14.03 - Johnny.Decimal (sub-folder)
14.04 - BuJo

17 - MA RGP
17.01 - SOAS Admin
17.02-07 - Module x6
17.08 - Dissertation research
17.09 - Dissertation writing

Area 03 - Triathlon (30-39)
31 - Training
31.01 - annual training programmes
31.02 - software
31.03 - Nutrition
31.04 - S&C
31.05 - memberships
31.06 - coaching
31.07 - camps

32 - Racing
32.01 - local
32.02 - ironman
32.03 - Challenge
32.04 - UK
32.05 - results

33 - Sports Gear/Kit
33.01 - Swim kit
33.02 - Bikes
33.03 - Bike kit
33.04 - Run kit

Looks ‘correct’??

Am I right in thinking that J.D recommends simply having folders 00-99 under C:/Docs (or whatever is the main location)? That would indeed be 2-deep’ (area and category).

It feels like I would want to insert a ‘top-level’ folder containing the folders for each of my areas numbered 00-09, under which e.g. 03 would have sub-folders 30-39, which then would hold the individual ID / category sub-sub-folders, which hold the docs. That would be 3-deep.

I’m tempted to go deeper however. Since I have 4 bikes I’m wondering about having further subfolders for each of them under 33.02. Perhaps that’s too much break-down as there won’t be that many docs per bike. Maybe I just have 33.02 - Bike 1, 03 - Bike 2, 04 -Bike 3 etc etc ???

It’s also tempting under e.g. 17.02 to have separate folders for term 1, term 2, assignments, library etc - but maybe that is pointing to a separate ‘area’.

The preferred approach seems to be against sub-foldering in circumstances like this. I know I can do whatever I like but wondered if anyone had any comments or suggestions

I’m aware of the PRO.AC.ID approach but not sure I need that level of complexity for my personal life. I also find the terminology a little confusing. I’ma long-term GTD user which I think would change the order or meaning of these terms as AC.PRO.ID ie

Area ( lawyer)
Category - Fee-earning
Project - Client
ID - Matter

Then have sub-folders for emails, documents, billing etc.

That’s something for when I get a job after submitting my dissertation for the MA - so it’s back to [17.09]!!!

Thanks anyway!