Programming notice, 29th July: we’re giving the site its annual service.
The content here evolves over time. This idea isn’t static: as the world changes, so do our ideas. Some of the stuff we’ve produced recently clashes with the advice on this site, which isn’t ideal.
I consider the main pages of the site to be like the Johnny.Decimal user manual. So when we change them, we do it with great consideration. Which takes time. I don’t like to just jump in and make edits.
Fortunately I have an actual editor sitting next to me: Lucy. She’s going to review all of our content, and we’ll do an update to make sure everything is consistent with our current thinking.
This will take a few weeks, but it’ll be worth it. So please bear with us.
You may also notice that some of the styling is a little wonky. This is because I am a very poor web developer. I need to separate some things out so that when I tweak one thing over there it doesn’t have unintended consequences over here.
This will happen at the same time as the content update. Don’t worry, no big changes. Just a spit ’n polish.
I’ll start to track these changes more rigorously. So I’ve added a version number to the site, directly under the list of pages.
I consider this the 5th major version (since 2013) so I’ve labelled it 5.0.0
01.04 Version will contain a summary of every change.
Using Semantic Versioning, the numbers will increment as follows.
- Third digit: ‘PATCH’ change.
- Fixing a typo or otherwise a minor tweak that doesn’t fundamentally affect the structure of the system.
- Any update to the style of the site that doesn’t change the content.
- You don’t need to care about these changes.
- Second digit: ‘MINOR’ change.
- A new page on the main site, i.e. not including blog posts.
- Significant changes to content on a single/few page(s).
- You should familiarise yourself with this change.
- First digit: ‘MAJOR’ change.
- Significant changes to content on many pages.
- You should familiarise yourself with this change.
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