Created a python CLI to clean filenames and organize files into JD folders

I’ve been using the Johnny Decimal system for years and try to keep all my files not just organized, but using a standard filename format (YYY-MM-DD Filename.ext). I recently created a CLI application I call Filemanager which normalizes filenames and organizes them into Johnny Decimal folders based on either a specified number, or by matching terms in the filename to the words in the JD folders. Optionally, it will use natural language processing to find common synonyms of words to aid in the matching.

This is my first Python script, any tips, feature requests, or criticism is more than welcome

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Bookmarked for some time in October, I’m planning on sprucing up the main site and will add an area for stuff like this.

(They’ll likely end up on the existing awesome-johnnydecimal, which is neglected.)