I put the childcare/afterschool club and summer camps receipts with finances and the dates on the calendar.
I have given a lot of thought as to where to find receipts. I think conceptually, if saving receipts is for balancing books or tax prep, putting them in finance makes the most sense. This is probably the smart move, but to the extent that I balance our personal books, I don’t really need receipt tracking.
I think I find the most utility in keeping receipts for returns and reference. i.e. How much was summer camp last year? or My dishwasher died, I need the receipt and warranty for a return. In which case having them with the item or event makes sense to me.
Your way would solve my ambiguity issue, though.
It really does depend on what makes sense to you - I don’t think there is one answer!!
For childcare, I have
GTD finance tickler in reminders app - reminder to pay on PAYDAY
I then have an email folder for all variable childcare costs and school costs like trips, school dinner money.
I then claim tax deduction on childcare and add all of the receipts to finance folder.
I just do that once a month on the 3rd as that’s when my salary is paid and all of my bills come out and it just makes it easier to me and makes sense to me. It might be different for you.
That’s an impressive system! Thanks for sharing.